First gay pride parade helena montana

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Pride's membership assists the organization in setting the vision for the organization and the annual Celebration and Parade in addition to raising funds and conducting outreach for the organization. The San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration Committee is an ever-evolving member- and community-based organization.

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Pride Champion ($1,000): Includes all the above plus an invitation to the Official SF Pride Press Preview on Pride Weekend. Pride Sustainer ($500): Includes all the above plus either two Parade Grandstand Seating tickets, or two VIP Party Tickets. Pride Defender ($100): Includes all the above plus a 10% discount on all SF Pride ticketed events. Pride Enthusiast ($50): Includes all the above plus an enamel SF Pride lapel pin.

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General Membership ($15 or $25): 1 year of membership with full voting rights and privileges.

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